Sumarum Saruman of Maracaja


Registration number (TICA): SBT 030517 076
Microchip: 967000009918975
Date of birth: March 5, 2017
Screened negative for HCM - 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024
PK-Def normal (N/N)
Bengal-PRA Normal (N/N)
Cs/Cb - Seal mink spotted, carries for sepia and lynx point
A/a - Carries non agouti
D/d - Carries blue
Pure for spots (does'nt carry marbled)
Asian leopard cat ancestors:
Millwood/Centerwall leopard cats

Best features:
Our first ''snow leopard'' male! We love his contrast and soft glittered pelt. Gorgeous blue eyes. Great muscles and structure. Tail carried low. Wide, puffy nose leather. Good ears set. Expressive face.
Saruman has a laid-back personality. He is calm and quiet. He is playfull and sweet but not boisterous. He is such a gentleman with our females. Thank you Michaela for this great male!

Mom: Sumarum Vivien (seal mink tabby)

Dad: Sumarum Cappuccino (smoke sepia)